<!-- Hantera timeloop variabler -->
(if: $gameRound >1)
<!-- Do nothing -->
<!-- sätt de variabler som INTE ska resettas i senare omgångar och alltså inte finns bland vanliga variablerna nedan -->
(set: $gameRound to 1)
(set: $SeenFlashback1 to false)
(set: $SeenFlashback1Again to false)
(set: $SeenFlashback1AgainAtRound to 1000)<!-- Så att den säkert är större än gameRound innan den sätts i Ruta20 andra gången -->
(set: $SeenFlashback2 to false)
<!-- Vanliga variabler resettas varje ny omgång -->
<!--** Start locations **-->
(set: $MickeState to "highway")
(set: $MickeRoom to "highway")
(set: $playerRoom to "outside")
<!--** Game State **-->
(set: $displayPanels to true)
(set: $flashback2isShowing to false)
(set: $initializing to false)
<!-- initializing sätts till true vid restart och villkoras i header. detta hindrar att header efter restart kör "add images"-rutinerna innan variablerna här i start-passagen har hunnit resettas. om inte detta görs så kommer header att hinna börja rita ut rutorna för NÄSTA turn innan startpassagen körs. Följden blir ful grafisk glitch innan variabler nollställts och den riktiga utritningen av rutor sker. Den riktiga utritningen sker efter starts avslutande (goto: $playerRoom). Då körs "outside" med dess tillhörande och inledande headers.
Rörigt. Och det är pga att jag har "timeloop" som inte har vanliga startup-passagen taggad "startup" i detta spel. Också därför jag inte restartar med reload:-makro som i COS, utan bara med goto: till denna start-passage -->
<!--** Time **-->
(set: $turn to 0)
(set: $timeIsMoving to true)
(set: $suggestRestart to 19)
<!--** Movements **-->
(set: $MickeMoving to "no")
<!--** World State **-->
(set: $HeartName to "Micke")
(set: $MickeHasCorrectedName to false)
(set: $MickesPhoneRinging to false)
(set: $MickesPhoneLocation to "truck")
(set: $MickeWentBackForPhone to false)
(set: $TruckUnlocked to false)
(set: $MickeReadyToLeaveTruck to false)
<!--** Player **-->
(set: $wantToUsePhone to false)
(set: $glassesAreClean to false)
(set: $chosenPhone to "Your Own")
(set: $playerState to "visible")
(set: $wantToReadSticker to false)
<!--** Player Inventory **-->
(set: $havePaperTowel to false)
<!--** Choices som kan upprepas (men ej 2 gånger i rad) **-->
<!-- Dessa ger messages i Func-StoryMess -->
(set: $tryingToUsePhone to false)
(set: $ReadingMickesWriting to false)
(set: $checkingTruck to false)
(set: $recallingIntel to false)
(set: $whistling to false) <!-- skulle kunna upprepas om Micke kan komma tillbaka -->
<!--** Func-StoryMess har egna variabler för att hålla koll på visning av de meddelanden som bara kan visas en gång **-->
(set: $displayedParkMess to false)
(set: $displayedParkMess2 to false)
(set: $displayedCargoMess to false)
(set: $metMicke to false)
(set: $displayedPhoneMess to false)
(set: $displayedRingingMess to false)
(set: $seenMickeTraining to false)
<!--** Messages and dialogue **-->
(set: $ChoiceMess to "")
(if: $gameRound is 1)[(set: $MickesObservation to "Where is HE going? The gym is THIS way!")]
(elseif: $gameRound is 2)[(set: $MickesObservation to "This dude in the COP outfit must be gearing up for a surprise at my birthday. Joke’s on HIM.")]
(elseif: $gameRound is 3)[(set: $MickesObservation to "Straight out of those 70s COP SHOWS that Uncle Bengt watches.")]
(elseif: $gameRound is 4)[(set: $MickesObservation to "That badge is as REAL as uncle Bengt’s SMITH & WESSON starting gun.")]
(elseif: $gameRound >4 AND $gameRound <14)
(set: $MickesObservation to (either: "Who DRESSES UP for a party on the wrong day? My birthday is NEXT month!", "Huh? I’m not planning a COSTUME party for my birthday. And get your DATES right!", "There's no masquerade at MY birthday bash. Someone got the wrong memo … AND date …", "What’s he up to in that COSTUME? Auditioning for an old school COP SHOW?", "That badge is as REAL as uncle Bengt’s COLT 1911 starting gun.", "That badge is as REAL as uncle Bengt’s WALTHER PPK starting gun.", "That uniform screams HALLOWEEN clearance, not law enforcement.", "Jeez, all dressed up for the MASQUERADE. Pretty rude to crash a birthday that isn't even today.", "That getup is not fooling anyone, that old guy’s clearly in his OWN WORLD. I should alert Eagle One.", "Huh? It’s not my birthday, but neither is it HALLOWEEN!"))
(elseif: $gameRound >13)
(set: $MickesObservation to (either: "Who DRESSES UP for a party on the wrong day? My birthday is NEXT month!", "Huh? I’m not planning a COSTUME PARTY for my birthday. And get your DATES right, gramps!", "There's no masquerade at MY birthday bash. Someone got the wrong memo … AND date …", "What’s he up to in that COSTUME? Auditioning for an old school COP SHOW?", "That badge is as REAL as uncle Bengt’s COLT 1911 starting gun.", "That badge is as REAL as uncle Bengt’s WALTHER PPK starting gun.", "That uniform screams HALLOWEEN clearance, not law enforcement.", "Jeez, all dressed up for the MASQUERADE. Pretty rude to crash a birthday that isn't even today.", "That getup’s not fooling anyone, that old guy’s clearly in his OWN WORLD. I should alert Eagle One.", "Huh? It’s not my birthday, but neither is it HALLOWEEN!", "Where is HE going? The gym is THIS way!", "Where is HE going? The gym is THIS way!", "This dude in the COP outfit must be gearing up for a surprise at my birthday. Joke’s on HIM.", "Straight out of those 70s COP SHOWS that Uncle Bengt watches.", "That badge is as REAL as uncle Bengt’s SMITH & WESSON starting gun."))
(goto: $playerRoom)
} {
(if: $timeIsMoving is true)
(set: $turn to $turn + 1)
<!--**---- Move Micke state and room -----**-->
(if: $turn is 4)
(set: $MickeMoving to "toGym")
(if: $MickeMoving is "toGym")
(if: $MickeState is "highway")[(set: $MickeState to "parkingtruck")(set: $MickeRoom to "parking")]
(elseif: $MickeState is "parkingtruck")[(set: $MickeState to "parkingwalk")]
(elseif: $MickeState is "parkingwalk")[(set: $MickeState to "outside")(set: $MickeRoom to "outside")]
(elseif: $MickeState is "outside")[(set: $MickeState to "unpack")(set: $MickeRoom to "locker")]
(elseif: $MickeState is "unpack")[(set: $MickeState to "seesheart")]
(elseif: $MickeState is "seesheart")[(set: $MickeState to "surprised")]
(elseif: $MickeState is "surprised")[(set: $MickeState to "concludes")]
(elseif: $MickeState is "concludes")[(set: $MickeState to "training")(set: $MickeMoving to "no")(set: $MickeRoom to "inside")]
(elseif: $MickeMoving is "toTruck")
(if: $MickeState is "parkingwalk")[(set: $MickeState to "parkingtruck")]
(elseif: $MickeState is "parkingtruck")[(set: $MickeMoving to "toGym")]
<!-- Micke börjar röra sig igen om han varit pausad -->
(if: $MickeMoving is "pause")
(set: $MickeMoving to "toGym")
<!-- Hela moverutinen borde bara ha befattat sig med en lista över alla MickeStates. Sedan skulle jag ha haft en separat rutin som satte MickeRoom efter vilken MickeState som råder. Skulle då varit enklare att undvika röran som uppstod då jag beslutade att Micke skulle gå tillbaka till lastbilen och sitta i förarhytten 2 turns -->
<!-- Här (eller i egen Header) borde jag haft rutiner för vad Micke gör. Nu görs det i Header3 som egentligen bara ska vara för att rita ut rutor och bubblor -->
(if: $timeIsMoving is true) <!-- Visa ej knapp under flashbacks-->
<!--** Visa restart från och med Mickes ankomst **-->
(if: $turn > 3)
[<div class ="restart">Restart</div>]<restart|
(click: ?restart)
(set: $gameRound to $gameRound +1 )
(set: $initializing to true)
<div class ="help">
<a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/interactivefiction/egocentric2/hints.html" target="_blank">?</a>
<!--** Föreslå restart då det ändå är kört **-->
(if: $MickesPhoneLocation is NOT "player")
<!-- Oavsett hur många turns som gått så inga förslag om restart då då spelaren tagit telefonen eftersom han då fortfarande kan klara spelet genom att ringa rätt nr från rätt telefon-->
(if: $turn is ($suggestRestart-1))
(set: $ChoiceMess to "My phone chimes with a text: “<b>Time to pull the plug and regroup</b>”. Ah, HQ and their grand plans from comfy chairs. Seems like it's the bar for me then.")
(elseif: $turn is $suggestRestart)
<div class="highwaypicture">
<!--(text-style: "blink")-->
(transition: "slide-right")[<img src="images/arrow.png" style="position: absolute; top: 389px; left: 285px; z-index: 10;">]
[<div class ="restart">(transition: "pulse")[Restart]</div>]<restart|
(click: ?restart)
(set: $gameRound to $gameRound +1 )
(set: $initializing to true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "Chasing this old guy is like hunting my own shadow. Different as we seem, we're not so different after all. Both relics of a bygone era.")
(elseif: $turn is ($suggestRestart + 1))
(set: $ChoiceMess to "No time for the airs and graces of the high and mighty, tea-sipping in their ivory towers, thinking they know the streets.")
(elseif: $turn is ($suggestRestart + 2))
(set: $ChoiceMess to "Well, tomorrow's another day to crack this case wide open. But maybe it's time to admit the real fight isn’t against him … ")
(elseif: $turn is ($suggestRestart + 3))
(set: $ChoiceMess to "… but against the form fillers and timekeepers who just don't have what it takes to CALL THE SHOTS!")
(elseif: $turn > ($suggestRestart + 4))
[<div class ="restart">(text-style: "blink")[Restart]</div>]<restart|
(click: ?restart)
(set: $gameRound to $gameRound +1 )
(set: $initializing to true)
]<!--slut phonelocation condition-->
]<!--slut timeismoving condition-->
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left: 466px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
box-shadow: 0 4px 0 0 #f3b718;
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingtext">
<span class="message">
<!-- Visar choice message (prioriterat) ELLER story message -->
(if: $ChoiceMess is "")
(display: "Func-StoryMess")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "")
<!-- ********** Move ********** -->
(link: "Go to gym.")
(set: $playerRoom to "outside")(goto: $playerRoom)
(link: "Wait.")
(set: $playerRoom to "parking")(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- ********** Choices independent of Micke ********** -->
<!-- Choice 1. Kan göras flera gånger men ej i rad -->
(if: $tryingToUsePhone is false)
(link: "Use phone.")
(set: $wantToUsePhone to true)
(if: $glassesAreClean is true)
(set: $timeIsMoving to false)(goto:"phone-parking")
(if: $havePaperTowel is true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I clean my glasses with the paper towel.")
(set: $glassesAreClean to true)
(set: $timeIsMoving to false)
(set: $tryingToUsePhone to true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I need my reading glasses but they are too dirty.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
(set: $tryingToUsePhone to false)
<!-- Choice 2. Kan göras flera gånger men ej i rad -->
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true AND $turn is > 4) <!-- Man måste ha sett Micke på hyfsat nära håll för att hans bild ska kunna fyllas in i flashback -->
(if: $recallingIntel is false)
(link: "Recall intel.")
(set: $recallingIntel to true)
(set: $timeIsMoving to false)
(set: $displayPanels to false)
(set: $recallingIntel to false)
<!-- ********** Choices Micke present ********** -->
(if: $MickeRoom is "parking")
<!-- Måste stängas av här också i fall Micke kommer tillbaka -->
(set: $checkingTruck to false)
<!-- ********** Choices Micke away ********** -->
(if: $MickeRoom is NOT "parking")
<!-- Choice 1. Kan göras flera gånger men ej i rad -->
(if: $MickeRoom is NOT "highway" and $TruckUnlocked is false)
(if: $checkingTruck is false)
(link: "Check the truck")
(set: $wantToReadSticker to true)
(if: $havePaperTowel is true)
(set: $glassesAreClean to true)
(set: $checkingTruck to true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "The truck is locked. There is a sticker on the door. The print is tiny, but I'll just ditch the shades and quickly resort to my reading glasses.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
(set: $checkingTruck to true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "The truck is locked. There is a sticker on the door. I’ll need to clean my reading glasses to make out the print.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- om checkingTruck true så har spelaren precis kollat och ska inte kunna göra det direkt igen. måste också sätta false så att inte message kommer upp två gånger i rad -->
(set: $checkingTruck to false)
<!-- Choice 2 -->
(if: $TruckUnlocked is true)
(link: "Open the truck.")
(set: $timeIsMoving to false)
(goto: "mission complete")
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left: 885px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
box-shadow: 0 4px 0 0 #f3b718;
<!--**##############################################################**--><!--**############# BARA FÖR SLIDING BOX I TURN 1 ################**--><!--**##############################################################**-->
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
(if: $turn is 1)
(transition: "slide-down")
<div class ="outsidetext">
<span class="message">
<!-- Visar choice message (prioriterat) ELLER story message -->
(if: $ChoiceMess is "")[(display: "Func-StoryMess")<br><br>]
(else:)[$ChoiceMess (set: $ChoiceMess to "")<br><br>]
<!-- ********** Move ********** -->
(link: "Go to parking lot.")[(set: $playerRoom to "parking")(goto: $playerRoom)]<br>
(link: "Enter gym.")[(set: $playerRoom to "locker")(goto: $playerRoom)]<br>
(link: "Wait.")[(goto: $playerRoom)]<br>
<!-- ********** Choices independent of Micke ********** -->
<!-- Choice 1. Kan göras flera gånger men ej i rad -->
(if: $tryingToUsePhone is false)[
(link: "Use phone.")
(set: $wantToUsePhone to true)
(if: $glassesAreClean is true)
(set: $timeIsMoving to false)(goto:"phone-outside")
(if: $havePaperTowel is true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I clean my glasses with the paper towel.")
(set: $glassesAreClean to true)
(set: $timeIsMoving to false)
(set: $tryingToUsePhone to true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I need my glasses but they are too dirty.")
(goto: $playerRoom)]]]<br>](else:)[(set: $tryingToUsePhone to false)]</div>]]
<!--**############### SLUT SLIDING BOX I TURN 1 ####################**-->
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
(if: $turn > 1)
<div class ="outsidetext">
<span class="message">
<!-- Visar choice message (prioriterat) ELLER story message -->
(if: $ChoiceMess is "")
(display: "Func-StoryMess")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "")
<!-- ********** Move ********** -->
(link: "Go to parking lot.")
(set: $playerRoom to "parking")(goto: $playerRoom)
(link: "Enter gym.")
(set: $playerRoom to "locker")(goto: $playerRoom)
(link: "Wait.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- ********** Choices independent of Micke ********** -->
<!-- Choice 1. Kan göras flera gånger men ej i rad -->
(if: $tryingToUsePhone is false)
(link: "Use phone.")
(set: $wantToUsePhone to true)
(if: $glassesAreClean is true)
(set: $timeIsMoving to false)(goto:"phone-outside")
(if: $havePaperTowel is true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I clean my glasses with the paper towel.")
(set: $glassesAreClean to true)
(set: $timeIsMoving to false)
(set: $tryingToUsePhone to true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I need my reading glasses but they are too dirty.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
(set: $tryingToUsePhone to false)
<!-- ********** Choices Micke present ********** -->
(if: $MickeRoom is "outside")
<!-- Choice 1 -->
(if: $whistling is false)
(link: "Whistle a random tune.")
(set: $whistling to true)
(set: $MickeMoving to "pause")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "“Turkey in the straw” always perks me up.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
(set: $whistling to false)
<!-- ********** Choices Micke away ********** -->
(if: $MickeRoom is NOT "outside")
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left:1304px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
box-shadow: 0 4px 0 0 #f3b718;
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="lockertext">
<!-- Visar choice message (prioriterat) ELLER story message -->
(if: $ChoiceMess is "")
<span class="message">
(display: "Func-StoryMess")
(set: $ChoiceMessLength to $ChoiceMess's length)
<!-- Harlowe tillåter ej "$ChoiceMess's length" i sammansatta if-villkor. Måste därför först sätta ny variabel $ChoiceMessLength och sedan istället använda den i villkoret för Choices Micke away. Måste göra det här uppe eftersom jag alltid nollställer $ChoiceMess efter visning-->
(if: $ChoiceMess is "MickesNote")
<span class="message">
It reads: “My name is actually Mikael Lundberg. My phone No. is 305281, and yes, I am single</span> 😉<span class="message">”</span>
(set: $ChoiceMess to "")
<span class="message">
(set: $ChoiceMess to "")
<!--**####################- Player VISIBLE -#########################**-->
(if: $playerState is "visible")
<!-- ********** Move ********** -->
(link: "Exit gym.")
(set: $playerRoom to "outside")(goto: $playerRoom)
(link: "Wait.")
(set: $playerRoom to "locker")(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- ********** Choices independent of Micke ********** -->
<!-- Choice 1. Kan göras flera gånger men ej i rad -->
(if: $tryingToUsePhone is false)
(link: "Use phone.")
(set: $wantToUsePhone to true)
(if: $glassesAreClean is true)
(set: $timeIsMoving to false)
(if: $havePaperTowel is true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I clean my glasses with the paper towel.")
(set: $glassesAreClean to true)
(set: $timeIsMoving to false)
(set: $tryingToUsePhone to true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I need my reading glasses but they are too dirty.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
(else:)[(set: $tryingToUsePhone to false)]
<!-- Choice 2. Kan göras en gång -->
(if: ($wantToUsePhone OR $wantToReadSticker is true) AND $havePaperTowel is false)
(link: "Get a paper towel.")
(set: $havePaperTowel to true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "Perfect, just what I need.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- Choice 3. -->
(link: "Hide behind the shower curtain.")
(set: $playerState to "hidden")
(if: $MickeRoom is "locker")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "He can’t see me, but I can see him.")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "Now I can see but can’t be seen.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- ********** Choices Micke present ********** -->
(if: $MickeRoom is "locker")
<!-- Måste stängas av här också för säkerhets skull -->
(set: $ReadingMickesWriting to false)
(if: $MickesPhoneLocation is "bag")
(link: "Take his phone!")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "No way. He’ll catch me.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- ********** Choices Micke away ********** -->
(if: $MickeRoom is NOT "locker" AND $ChoiceMessLength < 130)
<!-- Om ChoicMess är över cirka 130 tecken så finns ej plats i textrutan för fler än 5 options. De två options som finns här riskerar att bli option 6 och måste därför döljas under de långa meddelandena om restart -->
<!-- Choice 1. Kan göras en gång -->
(if: $HeartName is "Micke")
(link: "Scratch out the name inside the heart.")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I replace it with my own name.")
(set: $HeartName to "Åke")
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- Choice 2. Kan göras flera gånger men ej i rad -->
(if: $MickeHasCorrectedName is true)
(if: $ReadingMickesWriting is false)
(link: "Read writing beside the heart.")
(set: $ReadingMickesWriting to true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "MickesNote")
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- om ReadingMickesWriting true så har spelaren precis läst och ska inte kunna göra det direkt igen. Måste också sätta false så att inte message kommer upp två gånger i rad -->
(set: $ReadingMickesWriting to false)
<!-- Choice 3 -->
<!--**#####################- Player HIDDEN -#######################**-->
(if: $playerState is "hidden")
<!-- ********** Move ********** -->
(link: "Wait.")
(set: $playerRoom to "locker")(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- ********** Choices independent of Micke ********** -->
(link: "Step out from the shower stall.")
(set: $playerState to "visible")
(if: $MickeRoom is "locker")
(if: $MickeState is "concludes")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I reveal myself but he just left for the weight room.")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I am now a part of his world, or am I?")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I step out into the open.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- ********** Choices Micke present ********** -->
(if: $MickeRoom is "locker")
(if: $MickesPhoneLocation is "bag")
(link: "Take his phone!")
(if: $MickeState is "concludes" AND $HeartName is "Åke")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "Phone confiscated in the name of the law!")
(set: $MickesPhoneLocation to "player")
(goto: $playerRoom)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "He’ll notice. I have to wait until he’s distracted.")
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- ********** Choices Micke away ********** -->
(if: $MickeRoom is NOT "locker")
<!-- Kanske kunna ringa här -->
(if: $displayPanels is true AND $initializing is false)
<!--** Visa rätt bild för PARKING lot **-->
<!-- Add phone ringing in truck -->
(if: $MickesPhoneLocation is "truck" AND $MickesPhoneRinging is true AND $checkingTruck is false)
<div class="parkingpicture">
<p style="position: absolute; top: 165px; left: 20px; font-size: 30px; z-index: 10; color: white;">(text-style: "blink")[🎵🎶🎵]</p>
(if: $MickeState is "highway")
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking1.png">
<!-- Blir extremt klyddigt här eftersom Micke stannar kvar i lastbilen en extra turn efter han gått tillbaka för att ta sin telefon. Det ställer till problem med övertäckta rutorna som visas då man ringer och tiden är pausad. Har därför tvingats lägga till en massa tillkrånglade conditions som hade kunnat undvikas om jag varit klok nog att ha en extra MickeState "parkingtruckTurn2" i move rutinen och som det bara flyttas till då MickeWentBackForPhone is true -->
(elseif: $MickeState is "parkingtruck")
(if: $MickeWentBackForPhone is false)
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking2.png">
<div class ="parkingbubble1">
<img src="images/bubble-parking1.png" width="249" height="167">
<div class ="parkingbubbletext1">
Fine, I look young. So what? Is that a PROBLEM?
(elseif: $MickeWentBackForPhone is true and $MickesPhoneLocation is "truck")
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking2.png">
<div class ="parkingbubble1">
<img src="images/bubble-parking1.png" width="249" height="167">
<div class ="parkingbubbletext1">
I'll switch it<br> off and toss it<br> in my BAG.
(set: $MickesPhoneRinging to false)
(set: $MickesPhoneLocation to "bag")
(elseif: $MickeWentBackForPhone is true and $MickesPhoneLocation is "bag" and $MickeReadyToLeaveTruck is false and $timeIsMoving is false)<!-- då man ringer -->
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking2.png">
<div class ="parkingbubble1">
<img src="images/bubble-parking1.png" width="249" height="167">
<div class ="parkingbubbletext1">
I'll switch it<br> off and toss it<br> in my BAG.
(elseif: $MickeWentBackForPhone is true and $MickesPhoneLocation is "bag" and $timeIsMoving is true)
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking2.png">
<div class ="parkingbubble1">
<img src="images/bubble-parking1.png" width="249" height="167">
<div class="parkingbubbletext1">
Why call me<br> when I am NOT<br> available to take<br> the call?
<img src="images/palm.gif" style="position: absolute; top: 70px; left: 165px;">
(set: $MickeReadyToLeaveTruck to true)
(elseif: $MickeWentBackForPhone is true and $MickeReadyToLeaveTruck is true and $timeIsMoving is false)<!-- då man ringer -->
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking2.png">
<div class ="parkingbubble1">
<img src="images/bubble-parking1.png" width="249" height="167">
<div class ="parkingbubbletext1">
Why call me<br> when I am NOT<br> available to take<br> the call?
(elseif: $MickeState is "parkingwalk")
(if: $MickesPhoneLocation is "truck" AND $MickesPhoneRinging is true)
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking3.png">
<div class ="parkingbubble2">
<img src="images/bubble-parking2.png" width="221" height="168">
<div class ="parkingbubbletext2">
<span style="font-size: 105%;">
Oh, I forgot my phone. Luckily,<br> I have my old-fashioned keys on me.</span>
(set: $MickeMoving to "toTruck")
(set: $MickeWentBackForPhone to true)
(elseif: $MickesPhoneLocation is "bag")
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking3.png">
<div class ="parkingbubble2">
<img src="images/bubble-parking2.png" width="221" height="168">
<div class ="parkingbubbletext2">
[Do they have social anxiety …? Whatever the reason, it is not very POLITE.]
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking3.png">
[<div class ="parkingbubble2">
<img src="images/bubble-parking2.png" width="221" height="168">
<div class ="parkingbubbletext2">
But how can you get BOTH the date and my name wrong? That’s just disrespectful.
(if: $playerRoom is "parking")
(live: 4.0s)
<div class ="parkingbubble2" style="position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 630px;">
<img src="images/bubble-parking2.png" width="221" height="168">
<div class ="parkingbubbletext2" style="position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 630px;">
<div class="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking4overlay.png" style="position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 167px;">
(if: $checkingTruck is true)
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking-check-truck.png">
<div class ="parkingpicture">
|face>[(transition: "dissolve")[<img src="images/sticker.png" style="position: relative; top: 282px; left: 60px;">]]
(if: $glassesAreClean is true)
(click-replace: ?face)[
<img src="images/parking-sticker.png" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;">]
(click-replace: ?face)[
<img src="images/parking-sticker-blurry.jpg" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;">]
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking5.png">
<!-- Bara ett meddelande åt gången kan visas. If-satserna måste därför vara i prioritetsordning.
I denna funktion/passage sätts bara så kallade storymeddelanden. Choicemeddelanden (som kommenterar aktivt val av spelaren) sätts i variabeln $ChoiceMess direkt efter val. Behövs ingen inbördes prioritering av choicemeddelanden eftersom bara ett val åt gången kan göras. Däremot är de alltid prioriterade framför storymeddelanden. Antingen visas ett storymeddelanden eller ett choicemeddelanden.
Att visa båda sorters meddelanden samtidigt blir oftast språkligt klumpigt. Dessutom riskerar interaktionsrutan att bli så full att valen hamnar nedanför rutans ram. -->
(if: $turn < $suggestRestart)
<!--** Parking **-->
(if: $playerRoom is "parking")
(if: $MickeRoom is "highway" AND $displayedParkMess is false AND $SeenFlashback1 is false)
If my(print: "\u00a0")(link:"intel")[(set: $timeIsMoving to false)(set: $displayPanels to false)(goto:"Flashback")](print: "\u00a0")is trustworthy, the truck should arrive in this parking lot soon.
(set: $displayedParkMess to true)
(elseif: $MickeRoom is "parking" AND $metMicke is false)
So that's the guy. Well, his uncle is the dangerous one.
(set: $metMicke to true)
(elseif: $MickeRoom is "outside" OR "locker" OR "inside" AND $displayedCargoMess is false)
Just me and the truck here now …<br>Busting a gun trafficker – that'd cause some unease upstairs. Hehe. Quite the feat for an old beat cop.
(set: $displayedCargoMess to true)
(elseif: $MickesPhoneRinging is true AND $displayedRingingMess is false)
That must be his phone(print: "\u00a0")<i>inside</i>(print: "\u00a0")the truck …
(set: $displayedRingingMess to true)
(else:)[I am in a parking lot.]
<!--** Outside **-->
(elseif: $playerRoom is "outside")
(if: $turn is 1)
<b>Here I am</b>, no time to wait for backup. This must be the gym the driver is headed for.
(elseif: $MickeRoom is "outside" AND $metMicke is false)
That's probably the guy. I'd better head over to the parking lot. (set: $metMicke to true)
(elseif: $MickeRoom is NOT "outside" AND $turn is >=4 AND $displayedParkMess2 is false AND $gameRound>3 AND $MickeState is NOT "training")
<!--** ######################################################## **-->
|text>[Finally some sun. Good thing I am wearing shades …]
(set: $textIndex to 1)
(live: 5s)
(if: $textIndex is 1)
(replace: ?text)[as I face the reflection of an ally in the guise of an enemy …]
(set: $textIndex to 2)
(else-if: $textIndex is 2)
(replace: ?text)[Maybe my battle is not with the man in the(print: "\u00a0")(link:"mirror")[(set: $timeIsMoving to false)(set: $displayPanels to false)(set: $flashback2isShowing to true)(goto:"Flashback2")] …]
<!--** ######################################################## **-->
(set: $displayedParkMess2 to true)
(elseif: $MickeState is "training" AND $seenMickeTraining is false AND $MickesPhoneLocation is NOT "player")
He’s hitting the gym hard. Looks like he'll be a while. Damn, there was my opportunity … Should've seized it.
(set: $seenMickeTraining to true)
(elseif: $MickeState is "training" AND $seenMickeTraining is false AND $MickesPhoneLocation is "player")
Looks like he'll be busy with those dumbbells for a while. Time for me to check the cargo.
(set: $seenMickeTraining to true)
I am outside a gym.
<!--** Locker **-->
(elseif: $playerRoom is "locker")
(if: $MickeRoom is "locker" AND $metMicke is false)
Could that be the guy? Nevermind. His uncle is the brains behind the operation.
(set: $metMicke to true)
(elseif: $MickeRoom is "locker" AND $MickesPhoneLocation is "bag" AND $displayedPhoneMess is false)
His phone is lying on top of his bag. If I am discreet and wait for the right moment, I bet I can seize it.
(set: $displayedPhoneMess to true)
(if: $playerState is "visible")
I am inside a locker room.
(elseif: $playerState is "hidden")
I am hidden behind a shower curtain in the locker room.
(elseif: $turn >= $suggestRestart)
(if: $MickesPhoneLocation is NOT "player")
Time to hit the bar and rethink my strategy.
(if: $playerRoom is "parking")[I am in a parking lot.]
(elseif: $playerRoom is "outside")[I am outside a gym.]
(elseif: $playerRoom is "locker")
(if: $playerState is "visible")
I am inside a locker room.
(elseif: $playerState is "hidden")
I am hidden behind a shower curtain in the locker room.
(if: $displayPanels is true AND $initializing is false)
<!--**---- Images for Highway/Title panel -----**-->
(if: $turn is 1)
<div class ="highwaypicture">
<img src="images/intro1.png">
<div class ="highwaybubble">
<img src="images/bubble-highway.png" width="242" height="162">
<div class ="highwaybubbletext">
[Not AGAIN …]<1|
(live: 2.0s)[(replace:?1)[My name is NOT Malmö and it's NOT my 30th birthday today!]]
(elseif: $turn is 2)
<div class ="highwaypicture">
<img src="images/intro2.png">
<div class ="highwaybubble">
<img src="images/bubble-highway.png" width="242" height="162">
<div class ="highwaybubbletext">
TWENTY?!! I don’t know if I should be flattered or insulted …
(elseif: $turn is 3)
<div class ="highwaypicture">
<img src="images/intro3.png">
<div class ="highwaybubble">
<img src="images/bubble-highway.png" width="242" height="162">
<div class ="highwaybubbletext">
<span style="font-size: 110%">Sigh …</span>
<div class ="intropanel">
<div class ="titeltext">
A few hours later in the day of<br>The Egocentric<br><br>
<span style="font-size: 70%">Game by Ola Hansson<br>
Art by Daniel Ahlgren<br><br></span>
See the earlier events from the only <b>proper perspective</b> in <a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/micke.html" target="_blank">Strip ’Em All!</a><br>
Face off against Bengt, Micke's rugged uncle, in <a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/interactivefiction/themanwhocallstheshots/index.html" target="_blank">The Man Who Calls The Shots!</a><br>
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
.earlier {
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background: black;
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background: transparent;
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padding: 10px 10px 10px 0px;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
<!-- *** Ruta 1 *** -->
[<div class="arrow">[»]<a1|</div>]<arrowtag|
<div class ="earlier">One hour earlier …</div>
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-listen.jpg"></div>
<div class ="cbradiotext">
Eagle one to Thunderbird, do you read me?</div>
<!-- *** Ruta 2 *** -->
(click: ?a1)[
(replace: ?arrowtag)[[<div class="arrow">[»]<a2|</div>]<arrowtag2|]
(replace: ?ruta1)[
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext">
Thunderbird here, loud and clear Eagle one.
<!-- *** Ruta 3 *** -->
(click: ?a2)[
(replace: ?arrowtag2)[[<div class="arrow">[»]<a3|</div>]<arrowtag3|]
(replace: ?ruta2)[
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
What's your 20, Thunderbird?
<!-- *** Ruta 4 *** -->
(click: ?a3)[
(replace: ?arrowtag3)[[<div class="arrow">[»]<a4|</div>]<arrowtag4|]
(replace: ?ruta3)[
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext">
Just 60 klicks out from Malmö, over."
<!-- *** Ruta 5 *** -->
(click: ?a4)[
(replace: ?arrowtag4)[[<div class="arrow">[Back to present]<a5|</div>]<arrowtag5|]
(replace: ?ruta4)[
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
Good. I don't want any suprises on my big day. Over and out.
(click: ?a5)[
(set: $timeIsMoving to true)
(set: $displayPanels to true)
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 1 *** -->
<div class ="earlier">One hour earlier …</div>
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-listen.jpg"></div>
<div class ="cbradiotext">
Eagle One to Thunderbird, do you read me?</div>
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
Who could turn a deaf ear to <i>that</i>?<br>
I have to admit the man has a way about him that’s hard to ignore.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 656px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta2")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta2")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 2 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext">
Uh, yeah, loud and clear … Eagle One. This is, uh … Thunderbird, over.
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta3")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 3 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
What's your 20, Thunderbird?
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta4")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 4 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext">
Just 50 klicks outside city limits, over.
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta5")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 5 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
Copy that Thunderbird. Have you got the package?
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
Until COPter swoops in …
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta6")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta6")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 6 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext">
Affirmative, Eagle One. It's all locked and loaded in the back of my rig.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
… and snatches that package right from under Eagle's wings …
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta7")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta7")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 7 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
Alright, keep the rubber side down, Thunderbird.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
… while Thunderbird goes down in flames.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta7b")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta7b")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 8 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext">
Understood, Eagle One. I'll keep watch. Over and out.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
That package is landing in my nest!
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta9")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta9")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 9 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
Then the uncle went silent for a while.<br>
The strong silent type ... You’ll still find a few of us around.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 656px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta10")]
<div class ="flashbacktext">
Then they both went silent as I stayed listening.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta10")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
/* Ändrar tillbaka display från flex till inline eftersom länken till SEA annars hamnar i separat kolumn */
display: inline;
top: 50px;
<!-- *** Ruta 10 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bengtthought"><img src="images/bengtthought.png" width="310" height="227"></div>
<div class ="bengtthoughttext">
It must have been him who [requested that song for me]<goo| on the radio.
(click: ?goo)[(openURL: "https://www.athleticarcade.com/stripemall/micke.html")]
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
But this guy spares words like they were the last drops of whiskey before a long, dry night.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 656px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta11")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta11")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 11 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bengtthought"><img src="images/bengtthought.png" width="310" height="227"></div>
<div class ="bengtthoughttext">
Sweet of him, sure, but it’s a weakness to be that sentimental.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
His silence is thick with meaning …
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta12")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta12")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 12 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bengtthought"><img src="images/bengtthought.png" width="310" height="227"></div>
<div class ="bengtthoughttext">
What do I care about the years rolling by? I got my job to do.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
… like the pause before a storm …
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta13")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta13")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 13 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bengtthought"><img src="images/bengtthought.png" width="310" height="227"></div>
<div class ="bengtthoughttext">
Today, just like tomorrow, it's another day in the trenches, soldier.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
… or the quiet before the starting pistol cracks the air.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta14")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta14")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 14 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bengtthought"><img src="images/bengtthought.png" width="310" height="227"></div>
<div class ="bengtthoughttext">
When you’re in the line of fire, day in day out, you don't reflect on whether you've grown a year older.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta15")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta15")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 15 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bengtthought"><img src="images/bengtthought.png" width="310" height="227"></div>
<div class ="bengtthoughttext">
Every day, it's kill or be killed. What does a wild wolf care about his birthday?
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
Yes, because a man like that chooses his enemies …
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta16")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta16")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 16 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bengtthought"><img src="images/bengtthought.png" width="310" height="227"></div>
<div class ="bengtthoughttext">
He'd make a fine wife, smothering you with all that care.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
… and his <i>allies</i> …
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta17")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta17")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 17 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bengtthought"><img src="images/bengtthought.png" width="310" height="227"></div>
<div class ="bengtthoughttext">
Always thinking of others, he's too darn nice.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
… with the same care he picks his words.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta18")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta18")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
<!-- Behövs egen klass för pratbubbletexten här. tar bort 3 raderna som startar med display: flex och som används för vertikal centrering. Funkar inte med bold eller italic om de är med
Bäst annars att bara köra med versaler som betoning. Ser ju ändå snyggare och mer serieaktigt ut. Men funkar ej med versaler för Bengts hårdkokta och lakoniska machotankar. Kan funka då han verkligen pratar men då bara som aukoritärt utrop och befallning. Inte för att betona meningen av enskilda ord. För Micke funkar däremot versaler istället för fet och kursiv.
Se mail till Anders 19 okt 23 om resonemang krig bubblor, textlängd och white space i bubblor.
background-color: black;
z-index: 2;
font-family: 'Architects Daughter', cursive;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 17px;
line-height: 1.5;
text-align: center;
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
left: 400px;
width: 310px;
height: 200px;
padding: 60px 40px 30px 40px;
<!-- *** Ruta 18 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bengtthought"><img src="images/bengtthought.png" width="310" height="227"></div>
<div class ="bengtthoughttextspecial">
I worry about him. He oughta think about <i>himself</i> once in a while.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
Guess that makes two of us then.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta19")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta19")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 19 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
Funny how we end up chasing reflections of ourselves.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta20")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta20")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 20 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
Don’t forget to mind your own six, my little Thunderbird …
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
Makes you wonder who's really the hunter and who's the prey in this game.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px; font-size: 40px;">
(link: "Back to present.")
(set: $timeIsMoving to true)
(set: $displayPanels to true)
(set: $SeenFlashback1Again to $true)
(set: $SeenFlashback1AgainAtRound to $gameRound)
(goto: $playerRoom)
<div class="arrow" style="font-size: 40px;">
(link: "Back to present.")
(set: $timeIsMoving to true)
(set: $displayPanels to true)
(set: $SeenFlashback1 to true)
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 7b *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
And keep your eyes peeled for Smokey Bears. I don't want any trouble on my big day.
(if: $SeenFlashback1 is true)
<div class ="flashbacktext">
Like he'd even see me coming … COPter's circling, ready for the takedown.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta8")]
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"Ruta8")]
<!-- *** Internal CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
[Alright, keep the rubber side down, Thunderbird.]<1| (live: 4.0s)
(replace:?1)[And keep your eyes peeled for Smokey Bears. I don't want any trouble on my big day.]
(show: ?hiddenArrow)
[<div class="arrow">
<!-- Klicka pålagt litet bildobjekt och byt + flytta det -->
<div class ="outsidepicture">
|face>[<img src="images/micke-glance.png" style="position: absolute; top: 160px; left: 210px;">]
(click-replace: ?face)
<img src="images/micke-glance2.png" style="position: absolute; top: 140px; left: 260px;">
<!-- Positionera unicode emojis och animera med twine effekt-->
<!-- kom ihåg att <p> är ett block-level element -->
<p style="position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 250px; font-size: 30px;">(text-style: "blink")[🎵🎶🎵]</p>
<!-- Positionera image och animera med twine effekt-->
<!-- kom ihåg att <img> är ett inline element -->
(text-style: "shudder")
<img src="images/micke-glance.png" style="position: absolute; top: 160px; left: 210px;">
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left: 466px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
<!-- ********** DE 3 BILDRUTORNA ********** -->
<!-- Lägg på halvgenomskinligt lager för att visa att tiden inte går-->
<div class="parkingpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="lockerpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="outsidepicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingtext">
<span class="message">
<!-- Visar choice message (prioriterat) ELLER story message -->
(if: $ChoiceMess is "")
(display: "Func-StoryMess")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "")
(display: "Func-PhoneNo")
(link: "Dial.")
(display: "Func-Dial")
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left: 885px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
<!-- ********** DE 3 BILDRUTORNA ********** -->
<!-- Lägg på halvgenomskinligt lager för att visa att tiden inte går-->
<div class="outsidepicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="lockerpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="parkingpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="outsidetext">
<span class="message">
<!-- Visar choice message (prioriterat) ELLER story message -->
(if: $ChoiceMess is "")
(display: "Func-StoryMess")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "")
(display: "Func-PhoneNo")
(link: "Dial.")
(display: "Func-Dial")
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left:1304px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
<!-- ********** DE 3 BILDRUTORNA ********** -->
<!-- Lägg på halvgenomskinligt lager för att visa att tiden inte går-->
<div class="lockerpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="parkingpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="outsidepicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="lockertext">
<span class="message">
<!-- Visar choice message (prioriterat) ELLER story message -->
(if: $ChoiceMess is "")
(display: "Func-StoryMess")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "")
(display: "Func-PhoneNo")
(link: "Dial.")
(display: "Func-Dial")
(if: $MickesPhoneLocation is "player")
Choose phone: (cycling-link: bind $chosenPhone, "Your Own", "Micke’s")
(set: $chosenPhone to "Your Own")
Select number: (cycling-link: bind $dig1, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") (cycling-link: bind $dig2, "0", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "1") (cycling-link: bind $dig3, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") (cycling-link: bind $dig4, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") (cycling-link: bind $dig5, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") (cycling-link: bind $dig6, "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
(if: $chosenPhone is "Your Own")
(if: $dig1 is "3" AND $dig2 is "0" AND $dig3 is "5" AND $dig4 is "2" AND $dig5 is "8" AND $dig6 is "1" and $MickesPhoneLocation is "truck")
(set: $MickesPhoneRinging to true)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I call Micke’s number but no one answers.")
(elseif: $dig1 is "3" AND $dig2 is "0" AND $dig3 is "5" AND $dig4 is "2" AND $dig5 is "8" AND $dig6 is "1" and $MickesPhoneLocation is "bag")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "A voicemail message says: “I’m sure it’s very comforting that I’m not able to take your call. Maybe call a therapist instead.” Huh?")
(elseif: $dig1 is "3" AND $dig2 is "0" AND $dig3 is "5" AND $dig4 is "2" AND $dig5 is "8" AND $dig6 is "1" and $MickesPhoneLocation is "player")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "Micke’s phone is ringing on silent mode now that I’ve switched it on again.")
(elseif: $dig1 is "1" AND $dig2 is "8" AND $dig3 is "0" AND $dig4 is "0" AND $dig5 is "4" AND $dig6 is "2")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "A message tells me: “Please make sure to call us from an authorized device for any unlocking requests.”")
(set: $MickesPhoneRinging to false)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I called a number that seems not to be in service.")
(set: $MickesPhoneRinging to false)
(elseif: $chosenPhone is "Micke’s")
(if: $dig1 is "1" AND $dig2 is "8" AND $dig3 is "0" AND $dig4 is "0" AND $dig5 is "4" AND $dig6 is "2")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "A message says: “You car is now unlocked. Thanks for using CallUnlock by Voxlock.” The young’uns and their gizmos. How cute!")
(set: $TruckUnlocked to true)
(elseif: $dig1 is "3" AND $dig2 is "0" AND $dig3 is "5" AND $dig4 is "2" AND $dig5 is "8" AND $dig6 is "1")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "Pointless, it goes straight to voicemail. ")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "I called a number that seems not to be in service.")
(set: $ChoiceMess to "SYNTAX ERROR")
(set: $timeIsMoving to true)
(goto: $playerRoom)
(if: $displayPanels is true AND $initializing is false)
<!--** Visa rätt bild för LOCKER room **-->
(if: $MickeState is "unpack")
<div class ="lockerpicture">
<img src="images/locker2.png">
<div class ="lockerbubble1">
<img src="images/bubble-locker1.png" width="221" height="117">
<div class ="lockerbubbletext1">
Uncle Bengt<br> reckons honor and<br> politeness are out<br> of style. I guess<br> he’s right.
(elseif: $MickeState is "seesheart" AND $HeartName is "Micke")
<div class ="lockerpicture">
<img src="images/locker3.png">
(elseif: $MickeState is "seesheart" AND $HeartName is "Åke")
<div class ="lockerpicture">
<img src="images/locker3b.png">
(elseif: $MickeState is "surprised")
<div class ="lockerpicture">
(if: $HeartName is "Micke") [<img src="images/locker4.png">]
(elseif: $HeartName is "Åke")[<img src="images/locker4B.png">]
<div class ="lockerbubble2">
<img src="images/bubble-locker2.png" width="265" height="106">
<div class ="lockerbubbletext2">
(if: $HeartName is "Micke")
[Weird, I have NEVER visited this city before(print: "\u00a0")…]
(elseif: $HeartName is "Åke")
[But my name is not Åke(print: "\u00a0")…]
(elseif: $MickeState is "concludes" AND $HeartName is "Micke")
<div class ="lockerpicture">
<img src="images/locker5.png">
<div class ="lockerbubble3">
<img src="images/bubble-locker3.png" width="189" height="118">
<div class ="lockerbubbletext3">
I guess the word’s getting around!
(elseif: $MickeState is "concludes" AND $HeartName is "Åke")
(if: $playerRoom is "locker" AND $playerState is "visible")
<div class ="lockerpicture">
<img src="images/locker5-concerned.png">
<div class ="lockerbubble3">
<img src="images/bubble-locker3.png" width="189" height="118">
<div class ="lockerbubbletext3" style="padding: 5px 0px 10px 0px;">
I'd like to correct this, but I'm being watched.
<!-- Micke skriver till sitt eget namn -->
<div class ="lockerpicture">
<img src="images/locker5-writing.png">
(set: $MickeHasCorrectedName to true)
(else:)<!-- Tom locker -->
<div class ="lockerpicture">
<img src="images/locker1.png">
(if: $displayPanels is true AND $initializing is false)
<!--** Visa rätt bild för OUTSIDE gym **-->
(if: $MickeState is "outside")
<div class ="outsidepicture">
<img src="images/outside2.png">
<div class ="outsidebubble">
<img src="images/bubble-outside.png" width="271" height="130">
<div class ="outsidebubbletext">
(if: $whistling is true)
[Huh?<br> Another guy<br> who has his dates mixed up!]<2|
(live: 4.0s)[(replace:?2)[Jeez … He even got the tunes mixed up … That was NOT “Happy Birthday”!]]
<span style="font-size: 95%">Being polite isn’t about etiquette. It is about putting yourself in another person’s shoes before you act or speak!</span>
(elseif: $MickeState is "training")
(if: ($turn % 2) is 0)
<div class ="outsidepicture">
<img src="images/outside1.png">
<!-- Upprepa div efter för overlays -->
<!-- Funkar inte att bara lägga till ny bild i förra diven -->
<div class ="outsidepicture">
<!-- INLINE CSS för att positionera overlays -->
<img src="images/lifting1.png" style="position: absolute; top: 128px; left: 286px;">
<div class ="outsidepicture">
<img src="images/outside1.png">
<!-- Upprepa div efter för overlays -->
<!-- Funkar inte att bara lägga till ny bild i förra diven -->
<div class ="outsidepicture">
<!-- INLINE CSS för att positionera overlays -->
<img src="images/lifting2.png" style="position: absolute; top: 126px; left: 295px;">
(elseif: $playerRoom is "outside" AND $MickeRoom is NOT "outside" AND $turn is >=4 AND $displayedParkMess2 is false AND $gameRound>3 AND $MickeState is NOT "training")
<div class ="outsidepicture">
<img src="images/outside1.png">
<img src="images/mirror1-transpar.png" class="overlay" style="top: 117px; left: 310px;">
<img src="images/mirror2-transpar.png" class="overlay" style="top: 117px; left: 300px;">
<img src="images/shadow.png" style="position: absolute; top: 299px; left: 170px;">
<div class ="outsidepicture">
<img src="images/outside1.png">
(if: $turn is 1 )
background: transparent;
position: absolute;
top: 465px;
left: 50px;
width: 410px;
height: 300px;
padding: 10px;
background: transparent;
border: 0px;
background: transparent;
border: 0px;
<div class ="highwaytext">
<!--(transition: "pulse")-->
<span class="text-with-white-outline">I am not here.</span>
<div class ="parkingtext">
<!--(transition: "pulse")-->
<span class="text-with-white-outline">I am not here.</span>
<div class ="lockertext">
<!--(transition: "pulse")-->
<span class="text-with-white-outline">I am not here.</span>
}<!-- Eftersom det kan vara upp till 6 options i locker så kan nedersta option hamna utanför textrutan då meddelanden längre än cirka 130 tecken visas. De två första meddelanden om restart är längre än så. Måste därför ändra textstorlek på meddelanden här ifall längden är över 130. Harlowe tillåter ej "$ChoiceMess's length" i sammansatt if-condition. Bra därför att först sätta ny variabel $ChoiceMessLength och sedan istället använda den
Egentligen mer logiskt med <span style= istället för div men blir problem med line-height då
Osäker på om line-height ska förminskas i samma grad som font size
(set: $ChoiceMessLength to $ChoiceMess's length)
(if: $ChoiceMessLength < 130)
(set: $ChoiceMess to "")
<div style="font-size: 90%; line-height: 90%;">
(set: $ChoiceMess to "")
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 1 *** -->
<div class ="earlier">30 minutes earlier …</div>
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk2.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke2"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext2">
Thunderbird back to Eagle One, almost forgot in our chatter - do you copy?
<div class ="flashbacktext">
… but with those who've never looked into one.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"FB2Ruta2")]
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 2 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
Roger that, Thunderbird. What slipped your mind?
<div class ="flashbacktext">
The uncle, on the other hand …
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"FB2Ruta3")]
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 3 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk2.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke2"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext2">
I’ve gotta make a quick pitstop at a gym before your big bash.
<div class ="flashbacktext">
… has for sure looked too deep into the mirror …
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"FB2Ruta4")]
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 4 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
Gym, Thunderbird? Ain¹t nobody got time for vanity.
<div class ="flashbacktext">
… to care about appearances.
<div class="arrow" style="left: 835px; top: 616px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"FB2Ruta5")]
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 6 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk2.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke2"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext2">
Gotta keep up with my HST 5/4/3 power factor progression, you know what I mean?
<div class ="flashbacktext">
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"FB2Ruta7")]
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 7 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk2.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke2"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext2">
Of course you do!
<div class ="flashbacktext">
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"FB2Ruta8")]
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 8 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext" style="font-size: 150px; color: white; position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 580px">
<div class ="flashbacktext">
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"FB2Ruta9")]
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 5 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
We're gearing up for the big 6-0 here, not some beauty contest.
<div class ="flashbacktext">
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"FB2Ruta6")]
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 9 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-bengt.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengt"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblebengttext">
No, Thunderbird, I don’t! Your gym code’s Greek to me. Just keep it quick; we’ve got a party to throw.
<div class ="flashbacktext">
<div class="arrow">
(link: "»")[(goto:"FB2Ruta10")]
<!-- *** INTERNAL CSS *** -->
background-color: black;
<!-- *** Ruta 10 *** -->
<div class ="picture"><img src="images/flashback-micke-talk.jpg"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicke"><img src="images/bubble-flashback.png" width="299" height="192"></div>
<div class ="bubblemicketext">
Got it, Eagle One. I won’t dawdle. Over and out.
<div class ="flashbacktext">
<div class="arrow" style="font-size: 40px;">
(link: "Back to present.")
(set: $timeIsMoving to true)
(set: $displayPanels to true)
(set: $flashback2isShowing to false)
(set: $SeenFlashback2 to true)
(goto: $playerRoom)
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left: 466px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
<!-- ********** DE 2 BILDRUTORNA till höger********** -->
<!-- Lägg på halvgenomskinligt lager för att visa att tiden inte går-->
<div class="lockerpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="outsidepicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<!-- ********** BILDRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/parking-check-truck.png">
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/sticker.png" style="position: relative; top: 282px; left: 60px;">
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingtext">
<span class="message">
I open the cab and pull the release lever to unlock the cargo compartment. Adrenaline surges as I recall the old saying: “<b>One riot, one ranger. One starter, ten rangers</b>.” Hand on holster, I steel myself. Let’s have a look at that package!
<div class="arrow" style="left: 833px; top: 716px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"mission complete2")]
[<div class ="restart">Restart</div>]<restart|
(click: ?restart)
(set: $gameRound to $gameRound +1 )
(set: $initializing to true)
<div class ="help">
<a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/interactivefiction/egocentric2/hints.html" target="_blank">?</a>
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left: 466px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
<!-- ********** DE 2 BILDRUTORNA till höger********** -->
<!-- Lägg på halvgenomskinligt lager för att visa att tiden inte går-->
<div class="lockerpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="outsidepicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<!-- ********** BILDRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/package.jpg">
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingtext">
<div style="font-size: 93%">
<span class="message">
Upon opening the cargo door, I'm greeted by a cake sporting sixty .32 caliber blanks instead of candles. My kind of celebration!<br>
Next to the cake, a box in gift paper. Tearing it open, I find an Alfa starter pistol. Same model I’m packing, but this one is chrome plated and engraved. A special edition for a special man. So sleek. Ready to kick off any race(print: "\u00a0")… or party(print: "\u00a0")…
<div class="arrow" style="left: 833px; top: 716px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"mission complete3")]
[<div class ="restart">Restart</div>]<restart|
(click: ?restart)
(set: $gameRound to $gameRound +1 )
(set: $initializing to true)
<div class ="help">
<a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/interactivefiction/egocentric2/hints.html" target="_blank">?</a>
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left: 466px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
<!-- ********** DE 2 BILDRUTORNA till höger********** -->
<!-- Lägg på halvgenomskinligt lager för att visa att tiden inte går-->
<div class="lockerpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="outsidepicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<!-- ********** BILDRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/book.png">
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingtext">
<span class="message">
But what’s this? A signed copy of the autobiography of John Deakes – the rockstar of starters! I’ve been wanting to read it for ages.<br><br>
I skim the book with keen interest, then reach for my pen to write on the inside cover(print: "\u00a0")…<br><br>
<div class="arrow" style="left: 833px; top: 716px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"mission complete4")]
[<div class ="restart">Restart</div>]<restart|
(click: ?restart)
(set: $gameRound to $gameRound +1 )
(set: $initializing to true)
<div class ="help">
<a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/interactivefiction/egocentric2/hints.html" target="_blank">?</a>
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left: 466px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
<!-- ********** DE 2 BILDRUTORNA till höger********** -->
<!-- Lägg på halvgenomskinligt lager för att visa att tiden inte går-->
<div class="lockerpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="outsidepicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<!-- ********** BILDRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/book.png">
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingtext">
<span class="message">
“Deakes taught us the art of the start, but the time has come for an <b>end</b>. Draw your own conclusions and meet me at the finish line, Tuesday at 3:30 PM. It’s a date you won’t want to miss(print: "\u00a0")… sharpshooter!
<b>Officer Åke Olsson</b>”
<div class="arrow" style="left: 833px; top: 716px;">
(link: "»")[(goto:"mission complete5")]
[<div class ="restart">Restart</div>]<restart|
(click: ?restart)
(set: $gameRound to $gameRound +1 )
(set: $initializing to true)
<div class ="help">
<a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/interactivefiction/egocentric2/hints.html" target="_blank">?</a>
<!-- internal CSS för att ändra look på bildruta för aktuell location-->
top: 47px; /* 3px upp pga 3 px tjockare border */
left: 466px; /* 3px vänster pga 3 px tjockare border */
width: 410px; /* 6px större pga 2x3px tjockare border */
height: 410px;
border: 5px solid;
<!-- ********** DE 2 BILDRUTORNA till höger********** -->
<!-- Lägg på halvgenomskinligt lager för att visa att tiden inte går-->
<div class="lockerpicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<div class="outsidepicture" style="background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); z-index: 99;">
<!-- ********** BILDRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingpicture">
<img src="images/shrink.jpg">
<!-- ********** TEXT & INTERAKTIONSRUTAN ********** -->
<div class ="parkingtext">
<span class="message">
There’s gonna be a showdown! Witness it in the sequel,
<div class ="titeltext">
<br><br>The Sharp Shootin’ Shrink.
[<div class ="restart">Restart</div>]<restart|
(click: ?restart)
(set: $gameRound to $gameRound +1 )
(set: $initializing to true)
<div class ="help">
<a href="https://www.athleticarcade.com/interactivefiction/egocentric2/hints.html" target="_blank">?</a>